Gianforte would not veto conservative legislation

For four terms I served at the Legislature and one thing has become obvious: liberal governors veto conservative legislation.


For eight years conservative legislation has passed the House and Senate but are dead on arrival at the governor’s desk. In 2020 we have the best opportunity in 16 years to take back the Governor’s Office, and it’s with U.S. Congressman Greg Gianforte as our nominee.

Gianforte was endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony List Foundation for defense of unborn children. An avid sportsman, protecting our Second Amendment rights is important to Gianforte. He is a strong proponent of ensuring access to public lands. He’s also been a strong supporter of the president and they have a great relationship. He’s developed it through tax cuts, which have been amazing economy. Gianforte wants to apply these principles at home in Montana.