Mt. Rushmore

What and When is Presidents’ Day?

Is George Washington’s birthday the same as Presidents’ Day? Which Presidents do we celebrate on Presidents’ Day? When was Washington’s actual birthday?

Get answers to these common questions about Presidents’ Day.

When Is Presidents’ Day?

Presidents’ Day is observed annually on the third Monday in February. In 2024, Presidents’ Day will be celebrated on Monday, February 19.

Is This Presidents’ Day or Washington’s Birthday?

Although the holiday is most often referred to as “Presidents’ Day,” the observed federal holiday is officially called “Washington’s Birthday.”

It became a legal holiday in 1885, it became popularly known as “Presidents’ Day” following the 1971 Uniform Monday Holiday Act. This Act created more three-day weekends for U.S. workers.

According to the National Archives, Neither Congress nor the President has ever changed the name of the holiday observed as Washington’s Birthday to Presidents’ Day. Additionally, Congress has never declared a national holiday that is binding in all states; each state has the freedom to determine its own legal holidays. This is why there are some discrepancies when it comes to this holiday’s date.


When is George Washington’s Birthday?

Washington was born on February 11, 1731 in Virginia. However, in 1752 Great Britain and its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar which actually moved Washington’s birthday by over a year, changing it to February 22, 1732.