Knudsen is fighting for us

Austin Knudsen has been a steadfast defender of Montana’s sovereignty against federal overreach, and that’s why I fully support his reelection as Attorney General. Since taking office, he has sued the Biden-Harris administration more than 55 times, standing up for Montanans on critical issues like border security, energy independence, gun rights, and the fight against inflation.

Knudsen’s leadership has been instrumental in protecting our state from harmful federal policies that threaten our way of life. His tireless efforts have helped stop unconstitutional mandates, preserve our Second Amendment rights, and prevent damaging energy policies that would have raised costs for Montana families. He’s also been a powerful voice for protecting our agricultural and natural resource industries, which are the backbone of our state’s economy. His work isn’t just about opposing bad policies; it’s about ensuring that Montanans—not bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.—have control over our future.

Austin Knudsen’s dedication to defending our freedoms makes him the right choice for Montana’s Attorney General. Let’s keep him in office to continue the fight.

By: Senator Dan Bartel (R-Lewistown)