Featured Articles in Opinion

Montana Supreme Court oversteps and makes a mess

Typically, courts provide clarity. They do not exist to make or enforce law but rather interpret what the law says. Nothing more, nothing less. But a week of tumultuous rulings in Montana has, in many ways, upended the state’s legislative authority and made an overall mess of the policy-making process. It’s an unwanted Christmas gift Read More…

FOIA reveals hidden truths about IRS, FDA and WHO

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has let some much-needed sunlight into the opaque corridors of federal bureaucracy. Thanks to this landmark 1967 legislation, any person or organization has the right to request access to federal records and receive a response within 20 business days. The Taxpayers Protection Alliance Foundation (TPAF) had a banner year Read More…

All in: Opinion

Busting The Democrat Myth On Montana Taxes

Montana Democrats are out in full force trying to convince Montanans that they want to reduce your taxes. This is far from the truth as their actions in the legislative session speak much louder than their words now. When they had the opportunity to support giving Montana resident taxpayers $900 million back in income and Read More…

Montana Is Writing the Playbook on How To Deal With China | Opinion

Montana just took an important step to protect its citizens from authoritarian regimes. By now everyone has heard that the state banned TikTok—and of course TikTok has sued to block the measure. That was two weeks ago. The very same day, Governor Greg Gianforte signed another measure that deserves some national attention. Montana House Bill 946 requires full disclosure Read More…

The legal case for Montana’s TikTok ban

Montana made history with its move to ban TikTok. Given that the state has a serious penchant for deregulation, it’s kind of a shocker. To put this in perspective, Montana was the last state to institute a speed limit, and yet it is now the first state to ban the controversial app. And for good reason. We Read More…

Republicans Delivered On The Policies We Promised

In a recent op-ed published in several newspapers, Montana Democrat minority leaders claimed “the harm done by a Republican supermajority drunk on power will continue to be felt for a long time.” The Democrat leaders should remember that it was Montana voters who gave Republicans a supermajority in the legislature, and for good reason. Montana Read More…

Proud to Work with Legislature to Fight Crime

My top priority as Attorney General is the safety and security of Montana communities. The bills the Department of Justice brought and supported during the recently concluded legislative session to combat human trafficking, the missing and murdered Indigenous people crisis, illicit drugs, and sex crimes and gives law enforcement and prosecutors new tools to keep Read More…

Biden ATF Director Supports “Assault Weapons” Ban, (Still) Can’t Explain What that Means

Joe Biden’s appointment to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) – recently appeared twice on Capitol Hill to argue in favor of that agency’s funding and to answer questions about its priorities and activities. During those appearances he repeatedly underscored he is not a firearms expert and could not himself define what an “assault weapon” is. These were Read More…

Can we just be honest about the judiciary?

Montana’s Judiciary is overwhelmingly liberal but many won’t admit it Much ado has been made of Republican legislators’ attempts to reform Montana’s judiciary. Democrat politicians, left-wing activists, and many in the media have demagogued on the issue, railing against Republican “attacks” on the “non-partisan” judiciary.  Even former Governor-turned-Washington-DC-lobbyist, Marc Racicot, and retired liberal Justice Jim Read More…

The legislative session is halfway done

This week we reached our transmittal break, marking the halfway point of the 68th Legislature. Probably the most-discussed legislation so far is our tax relief package, which we refer to as the “8 pack.” We’ve also passed a number of technology-focused privacy bills, dozens upon dozens of red tape relief bills, and several bills to Read More…

President Biden might want to pretend the fentanyl crisis and other tragedies aren’t happening When President Joe Biden delivers his annual message to Congress Tuesday, we have little doubt that he will once again proclaim—as he has the past two years—that “the state of the Union is strong.” But that is far from the truth. Read More…

Greg Hertz

Hertz: Vote Republican for common sense solutions

It’s election season, also known as the season of misleading information. A prime example is what appears to be Montana Democrats’ main talking point on legislative races: “If the Republicans can flip just two more legislative seats, they’re coming after the Constitution.” What the Democrats fail to mention is that the legislature cannot change Montana’s Read More…

Chamberlin will serve us well in SD 32

As a native Montanan having grown up on a farm in north central Montana, I appreciate honesty, integrity and down to earth qualities in an individual.  That is why I support Randy Chamberlin for SD 32.  Randy and I initially crossed paths about 15 years ago as a result of a business relationship.  Our rapport Read More…

Joe Manchin should oppose any Trump tax cut repeal

Sen. Joe Manchin says he supports repealing the Trump administration tax cuts that were passed at the end of 2017. This is surprising because Manchin has stood up for West Virginia taxpayers against the Democratic Party-Biden Build Back Better plan that would raise taxes on working families and small businesses. By supporting the repeal of Read More…

Charlie Loveridge

Loveridge is the clear choice for Billings

I am pleased to support Charlie Loveridge for Billings City Council. Born and raised in Billings, a small business owner, community volunteer and dedicated family man, Charlie will bring a pragmatic, commonsense approach to the city council. His opponent, Denise Joy, is a self-described Democrat Socialist and has been endorsed by some of the most Read More…

Why China Is Alienating the World

In early 2017, China appeared to be on a roll. Its economy was beating estimates. President Xi Jinping was implementing the country’s Belt and Road infrastructure initiative and was on the cusp of opening China’s first overseas military base in Djibouti. Most important, Xi seemed poised to take advantage of President Donald Trump’s determination to Read More…

Forget Companies—the Global Taxman Wants the Middle Class

To hear some politicians and commentators tell it, this will be a banner weekend for global tax policy. And you know what that means, dear reader: Hang onto your purses and wallets. The danger to personal tax bills may not be immediately apparent because the current discussion concerns corporate taxation. Finance ministers from the Group Read More…

Barry Usher

Judicial Branch Shouldn’t be lobbying against legislation

Recent revelations that Chief Justice Mike McGrath and members of the judicial branch engaged in lobbying campaigns against particular legislation that they did not like is deeply concerning. Having members of the judicial branch taking positions on particular bills and using taxpayer resources to lobby against them is certainly not what the framers of our Read More…

Steve Bullock

Bitter Bullock should find something better to do

Montana voters overwhelmingly rejected Steve Bullock’s recent attempt to represent us in the US Senate – he lost the race by over 60,000 votes. Based on the column he submitted to news publications across the state, it seems Mr. Bullock still has not gotten over his loss. Voters going to the polls last November had Read More…

Montana to Feds: No More No-Work Bonus

The economy is roaring back as government lockdowns finally end, and employers are struggling to find workers. Enter Montana with a novel idea: telling the feds that it doesn’t want their extra payments for not working. On Tuesday Gov. Greg Gianforte said that by June 27 Montana will end its participation in the federal supplemental Read More…

Expand Access to High-Speed Internet

Over the last year, the pandemic has opened our eyes to the reality that high-speed internet is essential for Montanans across the state. The pandemic also reminds us of the painful truth that Montana ranks 50th in the nation when it comes to this vital service. Since the pandemic began, we’ve learned that telehealth services Read More…

Politics Is Seeping Into Our Daily Life and Ruining Everything

Is there anything that politics can’t ruin? The answer, it appears, is a resounding “no” as partisan conflict creeps into all areas of American life. Our political affiliations, researchers say, obstruct friendships, influence our purchases, affect the positions we take on seemingly apolitical matters, and limit our job choices. As a result, many people are Read More…

How About a Little Sobriety, Please?

Washington’s public works department should have built an emergency system of drainage ditches, culverts and tunnels to divert into the Potomac River the torrents of praise, approval and adoration the press poured down on President Joe Biden on Inauguration Day. At one point in the early evening, citizens living in low-lying portions of the city Read More…

How to spend your money for maximum happiness

The idea that materialistic values can obstruct our path to happiness dates back hundreds of years. The Buddha encouraged a balance between asceticism and pleasure; early Christian monasticism preached spiritual transformation through simple living; philosopher Lao Tzu warned that if you chase after money, “your heart will never unclench.”   Centuries later, the question of Read More…

Montana’s New Governor Could Remake the State

MISSOULA, Mont. — This state is now red. Not the light red it used to be; not a red-and-blue checkerboard coaxing the eyes to see purple. Just a deep red. Every statewide race in Montana went Republican this week, with record voter turnout: president, Senate, House, governor, attorney general, secretary of state, auditor. And both Read More…


“The Big Sky Buy-off.” That’s how they coined the effort by Democrats to get former Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) out of the Senate and into the post as US Ambassador to China. They had to buy-off Baucus, so the Democrats could have a head start on the 2014 US Senate race. Now, there are fresh allegations Read More…

Knudsen Respects Law and Order

Montana’s choice for attorney general is a relatively easy decision. There is only one candidate, Austin Knudsen, who will protect your constitutional rights, respect law and order along with providing local law enforcement the means necessary to end the drug problems in our communities. Austin also brings a wide range of experience to the office Read More…

Biden’s Gift-Wrapped Union Agenda Would Make Bernie Blush

Attempting to assuage concerns that his candidacy for president is a stalking horse for far-left policies, Joe Biden recently reminded reporters in Wisconsin that he “beat the socialist” in the Democratic primary. Indeed, Biden vanquished Bernie Sanders as a candidate; but the Vermont senator can take pride in the fact that his policy agenda has all-but-conquered key components Read More…

ND needs annual legislative sessions

Good ideas may go into hibernation but they never die. Veteran Public Policy Observer Mike Jacobs recently brought back the idea of changing the North Dakota Legislature from its present biennial schedule to annual meetings.   In a supporting editorial, the Grand Forks Herald noted that the demands of the pandemic and the volatility of Read More…

‘Unmasking Obama’ Also Exposes the Corrupt Media

A slew of political books will be hitting bookshelves between now and Election Day, covering everything on the spectrum from communist propaganda to Trump hagiography. Many of those books, such as Sean Hannity’s “Live Free or Die,” will make millions of dollars for their authors and publishers. Some have the potential to influence the election, Read More…

Orwellian Democrats Claim Violence Equals Peace

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, as the ancient joke goes. It’s the Democratic/media/left’s comprehensive response to the nationwide riots that rage on, seven weeks after the funeral of police-brutality victim George Floyd. His memory has been kidnapped by the most violent insurrectionists America has seen since 1968. “Do you disavow the violence Read More…

Some Never Trumpers Are Becoming Never Republicans

“Never Trump” is a house divided. Some of the conservatives and former Republicans who oppose President Donald Trump have decided that it’s not enough for his tenure in office to end. All officials who “enabled” him must be ousted, “Trumpism” must be repudiated, and today’s Republican Party must be burned to the ground. Others say that while Trump Read More…

John Sparks: Espinoza v. Montana an important win for religious liberty

Sometimes, the facts of a case have an emotional appeal in addition to a strong constitutional basis. Espinoza v. Montana certainly qualifies. Kendra Espinoza, a hard-working (three jobs) and determined single mom, decided to take her two daughters out of the local public schools and enroll them in Stillwater Christian School in Kalispell, Montana. She explained that she “wanted Read More…

John Roberts’ long game

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is not the revolutionary that conservative activists want him to be. He moves slower than they want, sides with liberals more than they want, and trims his sails in ways they find maddening. But he is still deeply and unmistakably conservative, pulling the law to the right — at his Read More…