Featured Articles in Montana Politics

Attorney General Knudsen Leads 21-State Coalition Urging Congress to Ban China-Based AI Platform on Government Devices

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen is leading a coalition of 21 state attorneys general in urging Congress to pass the “No DeepSeek on Government Devices Act,” which would ban the use of DeepSeek, a Chinese-based artificial intelligence platform, on all government devices. In a letter sent to congressional leadership on Thursday, Attorney General Knudsen emphasized Read More…

Governor Gianforte Champions Property Tax Relief for Small Businesses

At a press conference held at Central Plumbing, Heating, Excavation in Great Falls, Governor Greg Gianforte discussed his proposed tax cuts aimed at delivering significant property tax relief for Montana homeowners and small businesses, specifically through the Homestead Rate Cut. “Through the Homestead Rate Cut, we can provide permanent property tax relief, giving Montanans more Read More…

Senate Ethics Committee Investigates Sen. Ellsworth’s Contract

The Senate Ethics Committee convened its first witness testimonies on Friday as part of its investigation into Sen. Jason Ellsworth’s alleged conflict of interest. The inquiry centers on a six-figure state-funded contract Ellsworth arranged without disclosing his long-standing personal relationship with the vendor. A legislative audit in February found that he had structured the contract Read More…

Democrat Legislator Pleads Guilty to DUI After Political Fundraiser

Montana state Senator Ellie Boldman, a Democrat from Missoula, pleaded guilty Monday morning to a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence after being found asleep in her running vehicle in downtown Helena early Sunday. Boldman, who had attended the Montana Democratic Party’s annual Mansfield Metcalf fundraising dinner earlier that evening, admitted in Helena Municipal Read More…

All in: Montana Politics

Daines, Tester announce bipartisan support for CSKT water settlement

MISSOULA, Mont. — Senator Steve Daines announced he reached a new agreement to settle water disputes with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) that “protect the water rights for all Montanans.” Senator Jon Tester said he is pleased with the bipartisan support for the introduction of the CSKT Water Compact. Daines will introduce the “Montana Read More…

Helena teacher, and husband of OPI candidate, faces felony drug charge

HELENA — A former Helena elementary school teacher – who also is married to Democratic state superintendent of public instruction candidate Melissa Romano — was charged Tuesday with felony drug possession, including cocaine, LSD and methamphetamine. The charges against Eric Lehman, who resigned his teaching post at Hawthorne Elementary School as of Nov. 1, said Read More…

Bullock subject of attack ad even though he hasn’t declared candidacy for Senate race

A Republican-aligned super PAC is taking aim at Montana Gov. Steve Bullock — not because of the Democrat’s presidential bid, but because of a prospective Senate bid. The Senate Leadership Fund, an ally of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, bought a five-figure digital ad campaign attacking Mr. Bullock for spending time outside the state on the presidential campaign trail. Read More…

Dem statewide office candidates speak in Havre

A number of statewide candidates spoke Sunday at the 2019 Pasma-Peck Democratic Dinner held by the Hill County Democratic Party, discussing their campaigns and their goals if elected. After Montana Attorney General Tim Fox announced his candidacy for governor, a number of candidates from both the Republican and Democratic parties have announced their candidacy for Read More…

Bullock files for N.H. presidential primary

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, still in the Democratic presidential race despite low polling numbers, officially filed Tuesday to appear on the ballot in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary next February. Bullock paid the $1,000 filing fee in Concord, New Hampshire, to appear on the state’s Feb. 11 primary ballot. Bullock, who continues to poll in Read More…

Bullock releases first TV campaign ads in Iowa

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D) unveiled his first two television ads in Iowa Wednesday as the White House hopeful seeks to gin up support for his presidential bid in the first-in-the-nation caucus state. The ads seek to promote Bullock’s electability by promoting his ability to win statewide in a rural state that backed President Trump in 2016. The Bullock campaign told Read More…

So far, Gianforte crushing it on fundraising for 2020 gov candidates

Republican Greg Gianforte turned in another impressive quarter of fundraising for his 2020 gubernatorial run this weekend, bringing his four-month total to $1.09 million – more than twice as much as any other rival in either party. Gianforte, currently Montana’s sole U.S. House member, reported raising $507,000 for the past three months, adding to the Read More…

Two Bozeman Democrats enter U.S. Senate race

Two Bozeman Democrats are running for U.S. Senate with the hope of unseating Republican Steve Daines in 2020.   Cora Neumann, 44, launched her campaign Tuesday, saying she will focus on affordable, high-quality health care, increasing wages and protecting public lands.   Michael Knoles, 32, has filed with the Federal Election Commission but said he Read More…

Montana Congressional Delegation Reacts To Impeachment Inquiry

Montana’s congressional delegation is reacting in the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement this Tuesday that the House will move forward with an official impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. On Tuesday morning, Republican Senator Steve Daines Tweeted “Impeachment. Obsession.” over a GIF of a character from the popular TV show “The Office” rolling Read More…

Path to defeat Trump ‘doesn’t flow through the coast,’ Bullock tells teachers group

Montana governor and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Steve Bullock didn’t qualify for the debate stage in September, and he is polling near the bottom of the 20 remaining White House hopefuls. But at the American Federation of Teachers headquarters in Washington, D.C., Bullock said Thursday he can win back Trump voters from the American heartland while retaining support in traditional liberal strongholds. Read More…

Gianforte Says Democrats Have “Impeachment Fever” and Misplaced Priorities

At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Greg Gianforte blasted committee Democrats for their focus on impeaching President Trump. He believes their priorities are misplaced. “The committee held its first hearing this week, and by all of observers, it was a circus,” said Gianforte. “There were clowns, tightrope walkers, firebreathers, and shell games. Read More…

Sen. Daines reflects on trip to China

MISSOULA, Mont. — U.S. Senator Steve Daines returned Monday after leaving for a trip to China on Saturday. Daines says he met with top Chinese officials and urged them to rebalance their trade relationship. Daines says for decades, China has practiced unfair trade policies and has stolen much of American’s intellectual property. He says his ideal Read More…

Montana ethics chief recommends bringing lobbying code ‘into the 21st century’

HELENA — Montana Commissioner of Political Practices Jeff Mangan told a legislative committee this week that lawmakers should consider updating state lobbying rules to bring them “into the 21st century” by, for instance, requiring electronic filing for lobbying reports and clarifying whether regulations apply to “grassroots” lobbying like social media campaigns.   “You will find Read More…

Anti-big money group endorses Democrat Williams in U.S. House race

A group opposing corporate money in elections – but that spent significantly on Montana’s 2018 U.S. Senate race – on Thursday endorsed Democrat Kathleen Williams for the state’s sole congressional seat in 2020. End Citizens United, a political-action committee formed in 2015 to oppose “big money” in politics, said Williams is a supporter of campaign-finance Read More…

Former Billings Gazette, Missoulian executive named communications director for Fox’s campaign

A longtime former newspaper executive has been named the communications director for Montana Attorney General Tim Fox’s campaign for governor.   Mike Gulledge, who was recently the regional publisher of the Missoulian, Billings Gazette and Ravalli Republic newspapers before taking a role with the University of Montana, begins the role for Fox immediately.   “I’m honored to Read More…