Featured Articles in Montana Politics

Attorney General Knudsen Leads 21-State Coalition Urging Congress to Ban China-Based AI Platform on Government Devices

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen is leading a coalition of 21 state attorneys general in urging Congress to pass the “No DeepSeek on Government Devices Act,” which would ban the use of DeepSeek, a Chinese-based artificial intelligence platform, on all government devices. In a letter sent to congressional leadership on Thursday, Attorney General Knudsen emphasized Read More…

Governor Gianforte Champions Property Tax Relief for Small Businesses

At a press conference held at Central Plumbing, Heating, Excavation in Great Falls, Governor Greg Gianforte discussed his proposed tax cuts aimed at delivering significant property tax relief for Montana homeowners and small businesses, specifically through the Homestead Rate Cut. “Through the Homestead Rate Cut, we can provide permanent property tax relief, giving Montanans more Read More…

Senate Ethics Committee Investigates Sen. Ellsworth’s Contract

The Senate Ethics Committee convened its first witness testimonies on Friday as part of its investigation into Sen. Jason Ellsworth’s alleged conflict of interest. The inquiry centers on a six-figure state-funded contract Ellsworth arranged without disclosing his long-standing personal relationship with the vendor. A legislative audit in February found that he had structured the contract Read More…

Democrat Legislator Pleads Guilty to DUI After Political Fundraiser

Montana state Senator Ellie Boldman, a Democrat from Missoula, pleaded guilty Monday morning to a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence after being found asleep in her running vehicle in downtown Helena early Sunday. Boldman, who had attended the Montana Democratic Party’s annual Mansfield Metcalf fundraising dinner earlier that evening, admitted in Helena Municipal Read More…

All in: Montana Politics

U.S. House Candidates Meet at Democratic Forum

Montana’s House Democratic primary came to the Flathead Valley Saturday. Five candidates aiming to unseat U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte, R–Mont., spent two hours onstage at Columbia Falls High School in a forum sponsored by the Flathead Democratic Central Committee. Several dozen guests turned out for the event, where moderator Mark Holston read audience-submitted questions to Read More…

Democrats Take Secretary of State to Court over Green Party Votes

The Montana Democratic Party, assisted by a prestigious international law firm, is taking Montana Secretary of State Corey Stapleton to court over approving signatures that allowed the Green Party to qualify for the general election. Green Party spokesperson Danielle Breck said the Montana Democrats have a date in Helena District Court on Tuesday afternoon. “The Read More…

City Attorney Responds to Request for Mountain Water Legal Bills

Missoula City Councilman Jesse Ramos wants to see how much a private attorney is receiving in compensation for work on the Mountain Water Condemnation lawsuit, but says he has been blocked from seeing the information by city officials. Missoula Attorney Quentin Rhoades explains. “The Mayor, the city attorney, and apparently the private attorney who has Read More…

Democrats bring in out-of-state lawyer in lawsuit to remove Green Party from the ballot

Helena – The Montana Democrat Party has brought in a Washington state lawyer with deep ties to national Democrat organizations to lead its lawsuit to remove the Green Party from the Ballot. Kevin Hamilton, of Seattle, Washington with the firm Perkins Coie was admitted to represent the Montana Democrat Party less than an hour before Read More…

U.S. Senate candidate’s hunting-license citation morphs into full-blown criminal case

HELENA – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Troy Downing says he didn’t falsely portray himself as a resident when buying in-state hunting licenses for the past half-dozen years – and can’t believe the issue has become a full-scale criminal case in a Bozeman court. “It’s crazy,” he told MTN News in an interview last week. “My Read More…

Bullock Rejects CoreCivic

Gov. Steve Bullock rejected an offer from CoreCivic to extend its contract to manage Montana’s only private prison, because the company asked for a 15 percent increase in payments. Bullock told MTN News that [quote] “It doesn’t make sense for Montanans.” CoreCivic said Wednesday that the net increase under the offer would be only about Read More…

Committee addresses issues of missing children and human trafficking

(HELENA) The State-Tribal Relations Committee brainstormed ideas on Friday for improving the response to cases of missing children and human trafficking in the state. Bryan Lockerby, Division Administrator with the Division of Criminal Investigation, said law enforcement is the main agency that handles missing persons reports. From there, the Criminal Justice Information Network – known Read More…

U.S. Senate candidate asks judge to dismiss alleged hunting violations

U.S. Senate candidate Troy Downing wants a Gallatin County judge to throw out several charges alleging he was not a Montana resident when he bought resident hunting licenses, claiming past accountants made errors in his tax filings. Christopher Williams, Downing’s attorney, filed a pretrial motion in Gallatin County Justice Court and said the residency status Read More…

Attorney General Tim Fox Demands Answers from Facebook

On Monday, Montana Attorney General Tim Fox joined a coalition of 37 state Attorneys General, demanding answers from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about the company’s business practices and privacy protections. “In the news recently, Facebook has had a practice of either voluntarily sharing private and personal information of its Facebook users, or more recently where Read More…

U.S. House candidate asking for a clean race

U.S. House candidate Jared Pettinato is asking incumbent Congressman Greg Gianforte and other candidates to sign a petition ensuring everyone runs “the cleanest campaign.” Pettinato is vying for the Democratic nomination to challenge Gianforte for the U.S. House seat. The Bozeman attorney and former U.S. Department of Justice attorney said ethics is the first step Read More…

Who’s Running: Candidates for the 2018 Elections

The March 12 filing deadline has come and gone, and the 2018 races for county, state and federal offices have taken shape. The primary election takes place June 5, and will be the determining election for several races in Flathead County in which only Republicans have filed for the jobs. READ THE FULL STORY.

Billings legislative candidate among 7 to be removed from ballot

HELENA – Montana’s campaign regulators have disqualified seven legislative candidates from the ballot for failing to file required paperwork. Commissioner of Political Practices Jeff Mangan announced Monday that those candidates had not filed an official statement of candidacy or business disclosure statement. By state law, candidates who miss the deadline for submitting those forms cannot Read More…

Select Committee Chosen to Examine State Employee Settlements

A select bipartisan, bicameral committee has been asked to examine more than $1.2 million in state employee settlements since the beginning of 2017. The committee, consisting of six Republicans and four Democrats was appointed by Senate President Scott Sales and Speaker of the House Austin Knudsen. Senate Majority Leader Fred Thomas explained the genesis of Read More…

Conservative author D’Souza speaks in Bigfork

Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza came to Bigfork Saturday night. His talk, organized by the Last Chance Patriots and the Flathead County Republican Central Committee, nearly filled the 435-seat Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts. Audience members paid $100 per ticket to hear D’Souza’s take on politics, a topic he’s explored in 17 books Read More…

Montana Attorney General Supports Passage of Child Pornography Victim Bill

Montana Attorney General Tim Fox is urging congressional leaders to pass legislation supporting victims of child pornography. He is encouraging the House of Representatives to support and vote for the Amy, Vicky, and Andy Child Pornography Victim Assistance Act. “This is a very important piece of legislation,” said Fox. “As you know, child pornography is Read More…

U.S. Rep. Gianforte files for re-election; field appears complete for MT congressional seat

HELENA – U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte, R-Mont., paid his candidate filing fee Thursday to run for re-election, likely completing the filed of competitors for Montana’s only congressional seat. Gianforte won the seat last May 25, in a special election to succeed Ryan Zinke, who resigned after becoming U.S. Interior secretary. In a statement Thursday, Gianforte Read More…

Governor Bullock Interested in Limiting Firearm Magazine Capacity – ‘One of Those Things You Don’t Really Need’

On Monday, Montana Governor Steve Bullock and other governors from around the country met with President Donald Trump to discuss the issue of guns and school safety. During his brief time at the microphone, Bullock asked the president to work on adding new elements to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System or NICS. “We Read More…