Featured Articles in Opinion

State resolutions demand federal fiscal restraints

With the federal government facing a debt of $36 trillion and realizing that 49 out of 50 states have to balance their budgets, Americans are losing patience with the ability of Congress to enact meaningful fiscal discipline. This is why resolutions have been introduced in Idaho, Montana, Washington and Wyoming this year calling for a Convention of the Read More…

Congress can reverse America’s energy future stuck in bureaucratic gridlock

The United States is falling behind in energy and infrastructure development, and the culprit is our own federal bureaucracy. This can change if Congress implements significant permitting reform, repeals decades of senseless and duplicative regulations, and restores regulatory order by returning power to the states as our founding fathers intended. While states like Texas can Read More…

Rent control’s record of ruin

Housing affordability is a real concern, but Washington lawmakers are proposing a deeply flawed solution: rent control. While Argentina reaps the benefits of repealing its disastrous rent control law, Washington legislators are hurling headlong down the path of ruinous third-world housing policy. House Bill 1217 would limit rent increases to 7% per year, prohibit any increases during a Read More…

All in: Opinion

Greg Hertz

Montana GOP legislative agenda on track

As speaker of the House, it is a goal of mine to have unity within the Republican Caucus and a positive working relationship with the minority party. At the halfway point of the 66th legislative session, we are hitting those marks. Another goal of this session, was to put the K-12 funding bill on the Read More…

Now is the time for Montana to build

For a decade or more, our Montana Legislature has grappled with the increasing need to renovate both Romney Hall on the Montana State campus in Bozeman and the Montana Historical Society museum facility in Helena.   A compelling case has been made for both these projects, but they have repeatedly come up just short of Read More…

Underwhelming results from Montana Medicaid expansion

In November, Montana’s voters rejected renewal of the Medicaid-expansion welfare program (hereinafter “MedEx”), consigning its fate to the Legislature in the 2019 session. Even though the subject may sound boring, taxpayers should pay close attention these next few months, since big money is at stake and the program dis-incentivizes work and self-sufficiency.   Medicaid itself Read More…

Changing House Rules Will Weaken Checks & Balances

As former House Speakers and Senate Presidents of the Montana Legislature, we question the wisdom of making significant changes to the rules of operation in the Montana House. Currently, there is a group of legislators trying to change the House rules. One of the proposed changes would allow a simple majority (51 members) to “blast” Read More…

Montana becoming increasingly Republican

    Montana appears well down the road to becoming a one-party Republican, deeply conservative state, like the states that surround us. U.S. Sen. Jon Tester’s survival was an anomaly best explained by his personal popularity and his opponent’s weakness. In the late 1960s and ’70s, when I was first cutting my teeth in politics, Read More…

Dear Montana, Thanks For Nothing

Tuesday’s midterm elections weren’t a slam dunk for either party, not by anyone’s estimation. Democrats managed to avoid another apocalyptic election meltdown and keep their base from flipping out by flipping the House, if barely, and Republicans added slightly to their already slight majority in the Senate. We sent at least three Red State fake Read More…

Liberal Trial Lawyer Group Launches $20K Campaign For Juli Pierce

A Helena-based political committee linked to the liberal Montana Trial Lawyers Association has spent over $20,000 on a last-minute campaign for Juli Pierce, their chosen candidate in a Billings District Court Judge race. In the past, the group has supported the likes of Democrat State-Senator-turned-Supreme-Court-Justice Mike Wheat and Democrat Attorney-General-turned-Supreme-Court-Justice Mike McGrath. Campaign finance records Read More…

Nygaard will bring fresh perspective to legislature

I commend people like Colin Nygaard for standing behind his principles and desire to serve, and throwing his hat in the ring as a state legislator. Colin has shown incredible energy and hard work during his campaign to get to know the issues important to his constituents. I believe he will bring this same dedication Read More…

Mortensen represents Billings well

I had the honor of serving in the Montana House of Representatives with Dale Mortensen for several sessions. I know Dale as a top-notch legislator who is dedicated to serving his constituents, and I encourage all to vote for Dale for re-election this November. Dale brings decades of experience in law enforcement, and we need Read More…

Eggart strong choice for HD50

Quentin Eggart has been a successful business owner in Billings for many years, and I’m glad that he’s decided to bring his experience and dedication to the Montana legislature. Talking with Quentin, it’s clear that he wants to bring his private sector experience  to Helena in order to make positive change for his community and Read More…

Frank Fleming will serve Billings

Frank Fleming’s experience working in state and federal corrections will bring important insight to the state legislature and I’m happy to endorse him for House District 51. Frank has already been serving his constituents as the appointed Representative, and come November I hope you’ll join me in supporting Frank by giving him your vote. Last Read More…

Rehbein will be strong advocate

Missoula legislators often times seems out of touch with the rest of Montana – especially with my part of the state. But, luckily there are people like Dean Rehbein in Missoula who are paying attention and want to make positive change in their community and the state. Dean served as a Naval officer for many Read More…

McGillvray best choice for SD24

Tom McGillvray isn’t a new name to the Billings community, but it’s been a few years since his time as House Majority Leader during my very first session as a representative in 2011. I was lucky to serve with him back then, and I’m happy to give him my full support as he runs to Read More…

Russ Tempel is a true public servant

It has been a pleasure to serve in the state legislature with Russ Tempel, and I’m happy to endorse him for re-election. Russ has been a public servant for 20 years and is intimately aware of the issues facing Montana. His experience will be invaluable to tackle some of the major issues that will come Read More…

Jane Gillette will represent Bozeman

There’s almost nothing that Dr. Jane Gillette hasn’t done. She’s an Air Force veteran, a dentist, a health care advocate, a small business owner, and much more. I’m thrilled that Jane decided to put her energy and time into running for public office, and I whole heartedly endorse her for the state legislature. Jane’s experience Read More…

Hoven the right pick for Great Falls

I was able to get to know Senator Brian Hoven while serving together in the legislature for many years. He’s a top-notch legislator who is dedicated to his constituents and driven to make Montana a great place to live and raise a family for future generations. For Brian, this means using his more than 50 Read More…

Lola Sheldon-Galloway the right choice for Great Falls

I had the pleasure of serving with Lola in the Montana House of Representatives in 2017 during her first legislative session, and I saw that she was a strong conservative and a thoughtful legislator. Lola is a devoted to her constituents and was an important member of the Republican caucus. She’s a top notch legislator Read More…

Denise Johnson will make great legislator

Denise Johnson is known in Yellowstone County as being a fierce advocate for Montana’s foster children. She’s also a candidate for the Montana legislature, and I’m happy to give her my full support. I’m sure that Denise will show the same passion in Helena that she has as an advocate for foster children in Billings. Read More…

Zaugg best choice in HD47

It’s great to see young people like Colton Zaugg, with the passion of community service, stepping forward to run for political office. Colton has shown incredible energy and hard work during the months of campaigning to get to know the important issues to his constituents. I believe he will bring this same dedication to Helena, Read More…

Joe Read the right choice for legislature

I had the pleasuring of serving in the Montana House of Representatives with Joe Read and am happy to endorse him for election this November. Joe has always held firm to his strong, conservative values and it is great to have representatives like him in Helena who will firmly support the Constitution – both Montana’s Read More…

O’Neil the right choice for HD 3

Republican Jerry O’Neil has served the people of the Flathead well in the legislature, and I know that given the opportunity again this year he will again. I had the pleasure of serving with Jerry for a couple of sessions and can tell you that he’s a top notch legislator who is dedicated to his Read More…

Time to stop the Montana Public Service Commission gravy train

Would it surprise you to find out that each of the five members of the Montana Public Service Commission makes more than the Lieutenant Governor, the Secretary of State and the State Auditor? These are the current salaries of Montana elected officials. Governor— $111,570 Lieutenant Governor—$86,362 Attorney General—$123,499 Secretary of State— $95,695 Superintendent of Public Read More…

Bullock more interested in out-of-state donors than Montana jobs

Montana Governor Steve Bullock’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) took an unprecedented step last month in its efforts to block the opening of the Rock Creek and Montanore mines in Sanders and Lincoln counties, projects that would create hundreds of jobs for Montana workers. Bullock’s DEQ has opposed Hecla Mining Company’s attempt to open these Read More…

The truth about direct primary care

Direct primary care agreements are a fee-for-service contract between health care providers and patients, and are meant to cover preventive, routine or preliminary office visits. Primary care clinics are independent doctors’ offices that do not accept insurance or bill third parties. There have been several of these arrangements made available to consumers in Montana during Read More…

Critical minerals and metals must come from Montana too

Our country has a great abundance of mineral resources used to manufacture goods of all kinds. For weapons systems and consumer electronics, the value alone is estimated at $6.2 trillion; however, because cumbersome regulations and permitting processes hamper mining, we now rely on foreign suppliers for more than half of our needs. The situation has Read More…

Guest view: Montana doesn’t need I-186

After reading David Brooks’ recent editorial, one thing is clear as a mountain stream: Propaganda will be the chosen vehicle in which Brooks and his supporters deliver Initiative 186 (I-186) to Montana in November. I suppose propaganda is expected in the support or opposition of any ballot initiative. However, the citizens of Montana deserve to Read More…

The N.F.L. Kneels to Trump

The owners of the National Football League have concluded, with President Trump, that true patriotism is not about bravely standing up for democratic principle but about standing up, period. Rather than show a little backbone themselves and support the right of athletes to protest peacefully, the league capitulated to a president who relishes demonizing black Read More…

Impeachment Unlikely When Consumers Confident in Economy

President Trump is in no danger of being impeached and removed from office. I say this with confidence despite having no knowledge of what Special Counsel Mueller and his team may find. That’s because impeachment is a political process rather than a legal process. As a result, things that happen outside the world of government Read More…

A Line-by-Line Indictment of Tester’s Actions

For those of you who caught Monday’s “Montana Talks” radio show, you asked if we could post a link to the piece I was referring to that detailed the false allegations used by Democrat Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) to smear Navy Admiral Ronny Jackson. In this piece written by an Afghan war veteran for The Read More…

GOP Tax cuts a win for Montana

On Tax Day, liberals around the country wake up with a smile, enthusiastically thinking about the endless possible programs they can throw public money at. Today though, they’re a little less eager, quite a bit less cheerful, and according to their recent behavior, a little miffed they haven’t been able to take more money out of the Read More…

Debating Daylight Saving

On the early morning of March 11 we lost an hour and gained more evening daylight — a fair trade and welcomed change to what has been an exceptionally gloomy winter. I love the snow, but I’m at once happy to see it melt away on the valley floor and to have more time to Read More…

Lange’s Rise, and Fall

A little more than decade ago, Michael Lange was a rising political star in Montana. He was the outspoken Republican House majority leader during a state Legislature marked by two parties bickering over how best to divvy out a state budget surplus to its constituents. It was a good problem to have, especially when compared Read More…